Birth | 6 November 1858 33 28 Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Birth of sibling | 17 June 1861 (Age 2) Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Brother: Michael Berwanger (I8478)
Death of father | 28 January 1862 (Age 3) Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Father: Johann Berwanger (I8454) (Age 37)
Marriage of mother | 12 May 1864 (Age 5) Mettnich, St. Wendel, Saarland, Deutschland
Mother: Anna Maria Zarth (I31602) (Age 33) Step-Father: Franz Becker (I7824) (Age 46) [View Family (F3406)]
Death of mother's sibling | 18 June 1868 (Age 9) Mettnich, St. Wendel, Saarland, Deutschland
uncle: Michael Zarth (I31606) (Age 43)
Death of a grand-parent | 19 December 1869 (Age 11) Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Grandfather: Peter Josef Zarth (I31608) (Age 78)
Death of mother's sibling | 25 July 1870 (Age 11) Mettnich, St. Wendel, Saarland, Deutschland
aunt: Elisabeth Zarth (I31603) (Age 41)
Marriage of sibling | 6 September 1873 (Age 14) Sister: Elisabeth Berwanger (I8442) (Age 17) Brother-in-law: Peter Josef Thome (I29427) [View Family (F3819)]
Death of a grand-parent | 21 May 1881 (Age 22) Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Grandmother: Anna Maria Aatz (I6508) (Age 78)
Marriage of sibling | 28 November 1885 (Age 27) Mettnich, St. Wendel, Saarland, Deutschland
Brother: Michael Berwanger (I8478) (Age 24) Sister-in-law: Anna Schnur (I26582) (Age 23) [View Family (F3832)]
Death of sibling | 1886 (Age 27) Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Brother: Peter Josef Berwanger (I8481) (Age 34)
Death | 24 March 1891 (Age 32) Mühlfeld, Saarland, Deutschland
Globally unique Identifier | D48C95773D56D54AA69A25D63ABBE0073571
Last Change | 5 August 2010 - 00:00:00