Compact Chart:
Elisabetha Gall

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Matthäus Gall
Compact Chart: I25605 Martin Gall
1714-1774 ‎(60)‎
Compact Chart: I25594 Maria Pustger
Compact Chart: I25710
Mattias Gall
1738-1783 ‎(45)‎
Compact Chart: I25755 Elisabetha Gall
1762-1819 ‎(56)‎
Compact Chart: I25712
Barbara Feis
1737-1786 ‎(48)‎
 Compact Chart: I25582
Johann Cron
1660-1754 ‎(94)‎
Compact Chart: I25395
Philipp Cron
1686-1774 ‎(88)‎
Compact Chart: I25577 Susanna Cron
1711-1774 ‎(62)‎

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