Compact Chart:
Johann Klein

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Bernhard Himbert
1688-1725 ‎(37)‎
Compact Chart: I14947 Johann Himbert
1723-1787 ‎(64)‎
Compact Chart: I22958 Katharina Oster
1690-1773 ‎(83)‎
Compact Chart: I14950
Peter Klein
1759-1803 ‎(43)‎
Compact Chart: I17248 Johann Klein
1778-1851 ‎(72)‎
Compact Chart: I14944
Anna Maria Himbert
1753-1822 ‎(69)‎
 Compact Chart: I7458
Anna Barbara Bataille
1727-1780 ‎(53)‎

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