Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 Marriage 25 September 1703 -- Dörrenbach, Saarland, DeutschlandBirth 10 July 1704 42 28 -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
Death 16 February 1705 (Age 7 months) -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
4 and 5 Marriage before 1660Birth about 1662 29 -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
Death 5 March 1740 (Age 78) -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
2 Father
8 and 9 Marriage before 1632Birth 16 December 1632 25 -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
Death 2 May 1713 (Age 80) -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
4 Grandfather
- Birth about 1607
8 Great-grandfather 9 Great-grandmother
10 and 11Birth -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
Death 10 December 1706 -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
5 Grandmother
6 and 7Birth about 1676 -- Eisenberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Death 16 October 1721 (Age 45) -- Fürth, Saarland, Deutschland
3 Mother