Compact Chart:
Maria DorotheaRau

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Jost "Reden-Jost" Rau
Compact Chart: I1960 Johann Velten Rau
1600-1682 ‎(82)‎
Compact Chart: I871Compact Chart: I4116
Hans Nikel Rau
1631-1677 ‎(46)‎
Compact Chart: I2682 Maria DorotheaRau
1672-1732 ‎(60)‎
Compact Chart: I4066
Anna MargarethaSchweitzer
1640-1694 ‎(54)‎
 Compact Chart: I1063Compact Chart: I4117
Katharina ‎(unknown)‎
1600-1647 ‎(47)‎
Anna Margarethe

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