Compact Chart:
Nikolaus Albert

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Peter Albert
1650-1706 ‎(56)‎
Johann Leonhard Pouffay
1655-1721 ‎(66)‎
Compact Chart: I6597Compact Chart: I23533
Johann Bernhard Albert
1690-1734 ‎(44)‎
Compact Chart: I6579 Nikolaus Albert
1722-1768 ‎(46)‎
Compact Chart: I23532
Gertrud Pouffay
1691-1740 ‎(48)‎
 Compact Chart: I29578Compact Chart: I12127
Heinrich Dürck
Compact Chart: I11676 Anna Barbara Türck
1655-1730 ‎(75)‎
Compact Chart: I22675 Margaretha ‎(unknown)‎
Jakob Fabri
1634-1724 ‎(90)‎
Compact Chart: I12128 Gertrud Fabri
1660-1737 ‎(77)‎
Compact Chart: I20931 Johanna Meyer

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