Compact Chart:
Johann Jakob Lothschütz

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Hans Caspar Lothschütz
1670-1741 ‎(71)‎
Johann Adam Brandstetter
Compact Chart: I19787Compact Chart: I9643
Johann Nikolaus Joseph Lothschütz
1714-1786 ‎(72)‎
Compact Chart: I19795 Johann Jakob Lothschütz
1744-1807 ‎(62)‎
Compact Chart: I9641
Anna Eva Brandstetter
1720-1783 ‎(63)‎
 Compact Chart: I28879Compact Chart: I14965
Anna Maria Stentzhorn
1680-1735 ‎(55)‎
Anna Eva Hochreuther
1695-1778 ‎(83)‎

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