Compact Chart:
Johann Theobald Kest

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Wendel Kest
1630-1691 ‎(61)‎
Johannes Klein
Compact Chart: I16652Compact Chart: I17181
Hans Peter Kest
1660-1733 ‎(73)‎
Compact Chart: I16578 Johann Nickel Kest
1692-1762 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I17050 Anna Elisabeth Klein
1664-1745 ‎(81)‎
Compact Chart: I30245Compact Chart: I16593Compact Chart: I17268
Gertrud Weber
Anna Catharina Kleinin
1640-1718 ‎(78)‎
Johann Theobald Kest
1727-1791 ‎(63)‎
Compact Chart: I16599 Johann Theobald Kest
1757-1761 ‎(3)‎
Compact Chart: I30278
Maria Katharina Weber
1733-1797 ‎(63)‎
 Compact Chart: I22681
Margarethe Elisabeth ‎(unknown)‎
1691-1763 ‎(72)‎

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