Compact Chart:
Karl Hackemesser

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Johann Christoph Hackemesser
1763-1832 ‎(69)‎
Johann Christian Schmidt
Compact Chart: I131Compact Chart: I135
Friedrich Carl Hackemesser
1805-1840 ‎(35)‎
Compact Chart: I134 Christian Friedrich Hackemesser
1834-1918 ‎(84)‎
Compact Chart: I130 Johanne Christiane Schmidt
1804-1853 ‎(48)‎
Compact Chart: I133Compact Chart: I5Compact Chart: I136
Johanna Christiana Apelt
Anna Marie Hille
Friedrich Hackemesser
Compact Chart: I121 Karl Hackemesser
 Compact Chart: I29
Ludolf Ottenroth
1795-1868 ‎(72)‎
Compact Chart: I120 Wilhelmine Sophie Christiana Ottenroth
1840-1876 ‎(36)‎
Compact Chart: I125 Marie Wilhelmine Stettler
1797-1859 ‎(62)‎

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